Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My lil Valentines!

Gracie and Bailey were so excited to receive two different sets of Valentines in the mailbox. Their Grammy and their Granny both sent them special Valentines that they pulled out of the mailbox all by themselves. We had lots of surprises on Valentines Day. Our house looked a little bit like Christmas and some people might say that my kids are spoiled but you know what "I really don't care and yes there is no better reason to celebrate then a day all about LOVE!" We made Valentine art and decorated sugar cookies to celebrate the day. The twins worked so hard on their boxes to take to school for the Valentine exchange. Gracie's box was all about Minnie Mouse and Bailey of course chose Thomas the Train. Preston surprised us all the morning of Valentines and had gotten the twins Valentines t shirts, chocolates and a basket of Bath and Body Works for me. I was quite surprised that he took the initiative to buy them clothes and got the sizes right! Gracie's special present was a Sesame Street matching game and Bailey got two new train engines. Their present together was a Lucky Ducks game for them to share. We had so much fun playing with our new toys.
My best present came during the day when I was packing our bags for Macon. Gracie and Bailey love to play make believe anything and so they were playing make believe "night night' time in their room while I packed. I watched Gracie as she tucked Bailey in his bed and she went over every single thing that we say to them each night...she said "now don't put this blankie over your head or I will come right back up and take it away" then she said "now lets say your prayers" she continued with the sweetest little prayer about all the things that Bailey was thankful for. Next she asked Bailey the same questions that her Daddy asks her each night..."Who do we pray to?" "Who is God's Son?" "Where was Jesus Born?" "Why do we celebrate Christmas" and "Where do we find God's word?" I stood in complete amazement as she recited all of these things to her brother. At first I was a little scared as I realized what a little sponge she is but then my heart became filled with joy. I thought about what an awesome gift that she is only two and already learning about love and compassion and how to be a great little mommy. Watching my two little miracles play make believe together was the best Valentines gift I could ask for!

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