Monday, April 22, 2013

Breezy Beach Days

In April we went to the Beach house with Preston's parents. His Dad had a case in the middle of the trip and so we traveled to Gulf Shores with his Mom. We decided to split the twins up and I drove Bailey and Preston drove Becky and Gracie. For the first time I had a glimpse of what it was like just to have one toddler in the car instead of two and can I say....peacefulness! Bailey did awesome and I enjoyed my one on one time with him as we talked together. I love having two babies but some things are just easier with one. Our week was very breezy at the beach but the twins did not seem to mind. They were up at around 7:30 each day and by 9:00 they were ready to go out to the Beach. It is quite cold early in the morning in bathing suits during the Springtime at the beach. We would stay out on the beach all day and play various games and such. Preston dug them a huge hole to play in that was right next to their kiddie pool. They loved taking buckets of water from the pool and dumping them into their sand hole. It is amazing what can entertain toddlers for hours! We also played horseshoes, tag, soccer, flew kites and did pretty much everything that you can do in the sand. We would stay out on the beach until lunch time and then the twins would usually watch a movie while Preston and I enjoyed some sun time on the deck. After their movie they would be ready to head back out to the beach and then they could hardly make it through dinner before crashing for the night as they were so tired. We enjoyed great family time together that was stress free and simple. There is definitely something so relaxing about just being at the beach. We are looking forward to more beach fun with our cousins this Summer.

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