Saturday, November 21, 2009

First Date

Obviously this wasn't our first date ever but it was our first date in a very long time! We had lots of "dates" in the hospital when I was on bedrest but a hospital bed and takeout just aren't as fancy as a real date! When Gracie and Bailey were in the NICU we had numerous people to tell us to "take advantage of our time" and to enjoy ourselves by going out on a date. Well....they obviously knew very little because we had very little time between Preston working full time and visiting the NICU on his lunch breaks and evenings and me visiting every single day numerous times including the travel time to and from in addition to pumping milk every 2-3 hours for my two little one's left very LITTLE TIME for much of anything. Most nights we were lucky if we got to eat dinner in the car on the way to our visit. None of this is to complain because I thrived off these visits and I wouldn't take a single one back but more then less just to explain. It also surprised me how people really don't think about the emotional toil of having an infant in the intensive care unit, I am sure if my friend's children who are years older were in the ICU then they would think very little of going on a date! Ok enough explaining.....So my parents and sister came up to babysit and Preston and I enjoyed a nice dinner at a local restaurant called Normands Landing. It was very yummy as I love seafood but I have to admit that we talked about Gracie and Bailey and how much we loved them just about the entire date! I know our eyes showed love for one another but we seemed to still be in a honeymoon state of love for our little ones. These are a couple of pics of the big date night!

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