Saturday, August 21, 2010

5 sets of 1 yr old twins !

Gracie and Bailey attended their first play group this past Friday. We joined the group through a club that I am in called North Fulton Mothers of Multiples. All of the toddlers in the group range from 11 months to 14 months and all are twins. I looked forward to the group but I was nervous most of all about how we were going to get to the group. The group was from 10-12ish which is our daily nap time. Gracie and Bailey usually get really fussy at about 9:45 so I couldn't imagine how they were going to make it through the group without simply loosing it. The next question I had was what do I do when I get I bring the gigantic double stroller and wheel them in, do I carry them in one and at time and hand them off to a new person who they have never met. I was also worried about how they would do on the 20 min car ride in their new car and new car seats which they are still adjusting to.
Well...They ended up doing great! Gracie slept on the way and Bailey was entertained by his dvd. When we arrived I pulled out my "twin momma powers" and loaded them both up in either arm in addition to the diaper bag and knocked on the door. I was glad that once inside all the other moms were confessing the same fears. Gracie and Bailey took about two minutes to get adjusted and out of my lap and then they were off to play with their new friends. They really seemed to love the interactions with the other kids and enjoyed all the new toys. We ate lunch at the group and then had a quick juice bottle before leaving. I glanced back in the rear view mirror and Bailey was sleeping before we even pulled out of the neighborhood and Gracie ended up taking an hour and a half afternoon nap.
It was great for me to be able to socialize with other mommies. We found ourselves comparing feeding schedules, nap times and developmental tasks. Being a twin mommy is just different and it is great to have others who truly understand. I was relieved when I heard another mommy say "sometimes I am lucky just to be able to eat lunch during the day." We all love our sweet ones but we all also seemed to share the same unique feeling of exhaustion.
Our playgroup will meet twice a month but I am looking forward to having more daily play dates with each of the moms. I wish I would have been able to get a picture to share but with 5 sets of 1 year old twins running around we were all lucky just not to loose our minds!

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