Saturday, April 2, 2011

20 Months Old!

Gracie and Bailey turned 20 months old on April 2nd! I honestly can't believe that my babies are almost 2 years old. Many things have changed now that they are 20 months old. I have been telling people it is like magic and that someone took my babies away and brought me two well behaved great sleeping big kids! I always preface the statement with the phrase "let me knock on wood" because it is like it is too good to be true. They have been doing fabulously "if I could create a word!" We put them to bed in the same room at around 7:30-8:00 and sometimes we have to wake them up at 8:00am and we haven't been hearing a peep out of them. They are also taking consistent 3 hour naps which I love and it greatly helps me with getting things done around the house. We haven't seemed to have a "no no corner" in some time and their behavior has been very good. They really have started to genuinely care for each other and will kiss each other's boo boos or bring each other their favorite toy. "Ring around the Rosie" is their new favorite game to play and we play it over and over again. Their vocabulary is great and they say the funniest things now and sometimes are saying too much....Gracie is just abut ready to potty train and so now when ever she has to go she will yell to tell us what she has to do and it doesn't matter where we are. The other day we were at Ruby Tuesdays for lunch and she was announcing to everyone that she had to go "poo poo," I kind of felt bad for the people eating next to us! We continue to enjoy lots of fun play dates and we love to do art and read books. Bailey's favorite toy is still his Thomas the train set and Gracie is really into Mickey Mouse right now. We are very excited that we have planned a trip to Disney World for this Fall. For now I am going to bask in this magical moment of my babies being so sweet and good!
A picture on our 20 month Birthday!

Bailey playing dress up on a rainy day

Daddy and Gracie celebrating her Birthday with a carousel ride

Fun play date riding cars

All ready for church on Sunday morning

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