Friday, August 12, 2011

24 Month Check-Up

24 Months Old!
On the 8th of this month we went to our 24 month checkup. We had just had our fun Birthday weekend and my precious nieces, Molly Kay and Addie Mae decided to stay with us for awhile and so I had four kids for about a half of a week. The twins absolutely adore all of their older cousins so it did help to have them around but I had to learn that having two more kids added double time to our already doubled time if you know what I mean. The girls were sweet and patient to go with us to our appointment. At the appointment the nurse reviewed all of their developmental tasks and she took what I call as their statistics. Bailey weighed 27.6pds and was in the 50% for weight, he measured 35 inches in height and was in the 75th %. Gracie weighed 26.4 and was also in the 50% for weight and she was 34 inches in height and was in the 60% for height. The twins displayed their typical personalities at the appointment and Bailey was as good as gold as the doctor assessed him. Gracie of course acted like a drama queen and was a little more vocal in letting the doctor know that she did not want to be assessed. I was relieved that they only had to get one immunization and that it is the last one until they are 3! I hate watching my babies get shots. Dr. Cox described that he was very proud of their growth curve as they started out not even being on he chart and now they are in the 50%. Professionals have always told us that it would take the twins 2 years to catch up and I have to say that I think we have come a long way from our tiny 3pd start. Gracie and Bailey were so proud to count to ten for the doctor and they both really showed off their verbal skills as they would answer just about all the nurses questions that were directed at mommy and daddy! I was very proud of my Gracie and Bailey for being so brave and showing off all of our hard work in fattening them up!

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