Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Vacation Bug

So I have had some people tell me that I should put more hectic chaotic twin life stuff on my blog to not make our lives look so "happy go lucky!" I guess none of us really like to share the "ugly stuff" in life because it is just no fun. I love looking back and reading my blog and I do think it is good to share all the parts of our life because one day I will be able to look back and say "wow, we survived that!" I have blogged before about the vacation curse of our kids always getting sick when we go out of town. I promise our kids are never sick which is a huge blessing but you can pretty much guarantee that if we are going on a trip then one of the twins will have some type of ailment. So here the story goes for those of you who want to know what it is really like to have twins! We traveled to Macon for an early Thanksgiving weekend and as soon as we made it to Grandma's house Gracie said "my ear hurts." She has never had an ear infection so I really didn't pay it much attention as my kids can say just about anything. We go into grandma's house and she is pretty fussy but we get the twins settled into their beds and we hop into our bed. I turn to Preston and say "I hope this isn't a rough night since Gracie was fussy." As soon as we lay our heads on the pillow we hear her start to cry. After pretty much flipping a coin we decide that Gracie will sleep with me and Preston will sleep in the other guest room with Bailey's monitor. Gracie flipped around and cried on and off all night and so finally at 3:30 I went in Preston's room and said "I have got to get some sleep, your turn." Half asleep he stumbled in to swap places with me. I got about two hours of sleep until Bailey woke up. He was still adjusting to the time change and it usually takes about one night for him to get used to a new sleep arrangement. So I put Bailey in my bed with me. So we have Preston and Gracie in one guest room and Bailey and myself in another guest room and a nursery with two empty cribs of course. We all got up at around 7:30 and we were ready to enjoy an early Thanksgiving with family. At the breakfast table Gracie started pulling at her ear and so I knew we had to take her to the pediatrics after hours but we already knew where it was since last time we came to Macon she got an eye infection! My mom kept Bailey so we didn't have to expose him to any icky germs while in the doctor's office. After being weighed Gracie announced to the entire office "I am all better now, we can go home." She was such a good girl for the doctor and she didn't fuss or cry at all when the doctor looked in her ear which made us very proud. She brought her little bunny along and she played doctor with bunny while in the office which was so cute. We pretty much expect this scenario now when we go out of town. I think Preston and I work pretty well as a team and hopefully we can eventually stomp on this little vacation bug!

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